
(CAT 2008)

Five horses, Red, White, Grey, Black and Spotted participated in a race. As per the rules of the race, the persons betting on the winning horse get four times the bet amount and those betting on the horse that came in second get thrice the bet amount. Moreover, the bet amount is returned to those betting on the horse that came in third, and the rest lose the bet amount. Raju bets Rs. 3000, Rs. 2000 and Rs. 1000 on Red, White and Black horses respectively and ends up with no profit and no loss.

1. Which of the following cannot be true?
a. At least two horses finished before Spotted
b. Red finished last
c. There were three horses between Black and Spotted
d. There were three horses between White and Red
d. Grey came in second

2. Suppose, in addition, it is known that Grey came in fourth. Then which of the following cannot be true?
a. Spotted came in first
b. Red finished last
c. White came in second
d. Black came in second
e. There was one horse between Black and White

For answers click here.


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