Authors from Different Areas

 (CAT 2021)

A journal plans to publish 18 research papers, written by eight authors (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H) in four issues of the journal scheduled in January, April, July and October. Each of the research papers was written by exactly one of the eight authors. Five papers were scheduled in each of the first two issues, while four were scheduled in each of the last two issues. Every author wrote at least one paper and at most three papers. The total number of papers written by A, D, G and H was double the total number of papers written by the other four authors. Four of the authors were from India and two each were from Japan and China. Each author belonged to exactly one of the three areas — Manufacturing, Automation and Logistics. Four of the authors were from the Logistics area and two were from the Automation area. As per the journal policy, none of the authors could have more than one paper in any issue of the journal.
The following facts are also known.

1. F, an Indian author from the Logistics area, wrote only one paper. It was scheduled in the October issue.
2. A was from the Automation area and did not have a paper scheduled in the October issue.
3. None of the Indian authors were from the Manufacturing area and none of the Japanese or Chinese authors were from the Automation area.
4. A and H were from different countries, but had their papers scheduled in exactly the same issues.
5. C and E, both Chinese authors from different areas, had the same number of papers scheduled. Further, E had papers scheduled in consecutive issues of the journal but C did not.
6. B, from the Logistics area, had a paper scheduled in the April issue of the journal.
7. B and G belonged to the same country. None of their papers were scheduled in the same issue of the journal.
8. D, a Japanese author from the Manufacturing area, did not have a paper scheduled in the July issue.
9. C and H belonged to different areas.

1) What is the correct sequence of number of papers written by B, C, E and G, respectively?
  1. 3, 1, 1, 3
  2. 1, 2, 2, 1
  3. 1, 2, 2, 3
  4. 1, 3, 3, 1
2) How many papers were written by Indian authors?

3) Which of the following statement(s) MUST be true?
Statement A: Every issue had at least one paper by author(s) from each country.
Statement B: Every issue had at most two papers by author(s) from each area.
  1. Only Statement A
  2. Neither of the statements
  3. Both the statements
  4. Only Statement B
4) Which of the following statements is FALSE?
  1. Every issue had exactly one paper by a Chinese author.
  2. Every issue had at least one paper by author(s) from Automation area.
  3. Every issue had exactly two papers by authors from Logistics area.
  4. Every issue had exactly two papers by Indian authors.
5) Which of the following statements is FALSE?
  1. There was exactly one paper by an author from Logistics area in the October issue.
  2. There was exactly one paper by an author from Manufacturing area in the April issue.
  3. There were exactly two papers by authors from Manufacturing area in the July issue.
  4. There were exactly two papers by authors from Manufacturing area in the January issue.
6) Which of the following is the correct sequence of number of papers by authors from Automation, Manufacturing and Logistics areas, respectively?
  1. 6, 5, 7
  2. 6, 7, 5
  3. 5, 6, 7
  4. 6, 6, 6

For answers CLICK HERE.


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