Speciality Supermarket

(CAT 2022)

A speciality supermarket sells 320 products. Each of these products was either a cosmetic product or a nutrition product. Each of these products was also either a foreign product or a domestic product. Each of these products had at least one of the two approvals – FDA or EU.
The following facts are also known:

1. There were equal numbers of domestic and foreign products.
2. Half of the domestic products were FDA approved cosmetic products.
3. None of the foreign products had both the approvals, while 60 domestic products had both the approvals.
4. There were 140 nutrition products, half of them were foreign products.
5. There were 200 FDA approved products. 70 of them were foreign products and 120 of them were cosmetic products.

1) How many foreign products were FDA approved cosmetic products?

2) How many cosmetic products did not have FDA approval?
  1. Cannot be determined
  2. 50
  3. 10
  4. 60
3) Which among the following options best represents the number of domestic cosmetic products that had both the approvals?
  1. At least 10 and at most 60
  2. At least 20 and at most 50
  3. At least 10 and at most 80
  4. At least 20 and at most 70
4) If 70 cosmetic products did not have EU approval, then how many nutrition products had both the approvals?
  1. 10
  2. 30
  3. 50
  4. 20
5) If 50 nutrition products did not have EU approval, then how many domestic cosmetic products did not have EU approval?

For answers CLICK HERE.


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